Richard Phillips

New York Editor, The Globalist
[United States]
Richard Phillips is a New York-based international analyst. Since the 1980s, he has served as a senior advisor to major financial institutions around the world.
Among Mr. Phillips current responsibilities is the management of the Thomson Reuters Corporate Responsibility Ratings and Indexes, which measure 200 separate factors to assess the environmental, social and governance performance of over 5,000 companies worldwide.
His clients have included Deutsche Bank, UBS, Société Générale, Deutsche Borse and the United Nations Development Plan.
Mr. Phillips currently serves as senior financial analyst for S-Network Global Indexes and is responsible for developing and managing indexes and ratings that measure discrete aspects of the global economy.
Articles by Richard Phillips
US Presidential Election: 2020 Is Not 2016
September 13, 2020
Donald Trump: The Face of the US’s Decline, in Five Epic Failures
August 25, 2020
Coronavirus: Information, Misinformation, Disinformation and Outright Lies
May 10, 2020
The Sad State of US and Global Economic Affairs
March 27, 2020
Does US Stare Into Fiscal Abyss? 8 Pointers
March 25, 2020
Super Tuesday Odds: How Will Sanders Perform?
March 3, 2020
Trump Vs. the “Deep State”?
December 29, 2019
The Democrats’ Wrong Choice on Impeachment
December 18, 2019
US: Building an Alliance for Climate Change Mitigation
September 23, 2019
Long Shot: Marianne Williamson for President!
September 18, 2019
The Summer of 2019
August 25, 2019
Nancy Pelosi’s Hamlet Moment
June 21, 2019
Enter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Socialist
February 24, 2019
The Four Layers of Trump Disapproval
February 9, 2019
Trump as the Kremlin’s Tool: The Logical Proof
January 15, 2019
American People to Trump: What’s Goin’ on in the Markets?
December 27, 2018
The Republican Crime Syndicate Takes Control
December 6, 2017
Trump’s First 100 Days in Office: What’s Changed?
April 18, 2017
Fake News Alert: Memo to Putin
December 17, 2016
Hillary: I’m Not Donald Trump, Dammit!
September 30, 2016
President Trump: The Magic of American Politics
May 9, 2016
U.S. Politics: Primary Election Mess
April 5, 2016
United States: The End of Establishment Orthodoxy
March 28, 2016
Trump & America, You Can’t Have It Back Again!
March 16, 2016
The Fallout From Michigan
March 9, 2016
Bernie Sanders: Tackling America’s Biggest “Rackets”
March 3, 2016
Bernie Sanders for President?
February 2, 2016
Papal Politics in the United States
September 3, 2015
Iran Deal: Watch Who Is Doing the Warning
August 12, 2015
The Republicans’ Acid Reflux Syndrome
August 4, 2015
US Fed: Go Knock Yourself Out, Chicken Little
August 3, 2015
Battling ISIS and the Six Lessons of Vietnam
June 9, 2015
Immigration: The Story of U.S. Political Dysfunction
December 1, 2014
Pricing the Risk of Climate Change
November 13, 2014
Obama: So Good, Yet So Bad
November 4, 2014
Pity Poor Germany? Leadership Comes with Responsibility
October 22, 2014
ISIS as a Colonial Creature: Is Washington Being “Played”?
October 15, 2014
The Power of Video: From ISIS to the NFL
September 23, 2014
Willful Ignorance on the Economy
September 19, 2014
Willful Ignorance on Foreign Policy
September 6, 2014
The Dumbest U.S. Foreign Policy Question Asked This Century
August 19, 2014
Should Obama Quit His Job?
August 11, 2014
Countering the Voices of U.S. Economic Extremism
July 17, 2014
This Thing Europeans Call Football
June 27, 2014
The Nagging Realities of the U.S. Foreign Policy Debate
May 22, 2014
Don’t Count the Democrats Out Just Yet
April 1, 2014
Rethinking China’s Future Path
March 10, 2014
Don’t Pity the Poor JP Morgan Shareholder
October 27, 2013
Learning to Love Inflation (Thanks To Quantitative Easing)
May 16, 2013
Bringing About Real Corporate Change in Bad Industries
April 15, 2013
The Capital Paradox
February 13, 2012
President Obama, Call the Republicans’ Bluff
July 13, 2011
President Obama, Plug the Hole
June 15, 2010
Obama's Lost Opportunity
July 30, 2009
Stop! You’re Giving Me the Blues
November 20, 2008
A Second Bretton Woods
October 13, 2008
Why Europe Needs — And Wants — Bush to Win
October 13, 2004